Banksy would be an interesting person to have around for dinner, he created a brand from a style that most original graffiti artists would have considered cheating & most people would consider vandalism. Despite this he has been one of the foremost people in making street art a valid form of art. The Banksy brand is easily recognisable & his elusive nature has enhanced the publics perception of him. The creation of this mystical character is very smart, he’s simultaneously a celebrity, a highly collectible artist & he can go to the shops without being recognised. His work as all work by famous graffiti artists benefits from the mystique & anti establishment tradition of street art. This advertising coups builds curiosity, his exhibitions sell out without any advertisement & his studio canvases can command thousands. The release of “Exit Through The Gift Shop“ was his masterpiece, he shows how fickle the art populous are, how hype can turn what art actually is on its head. Recently in NY he increased his brand value by completing one new piece of street art every day, causing hysteria among his followers who wanted to be the first to see the latest Banksy. He truly is an advertising genius.

This is my first Banksy. It has seen better days but it still makes people stop and take notice.



Fire Photoshop effect!

Fire effect



This is a nice effect that I created using Photoshop CS6. These are the steps I followed:

I found a photo that I thought that would be good for editing

I got rid of the colour from the photo and inversed the colours so the blacks were white and the whites were black

I also then created a layer mask, with an overlay setting to make the whites yellow in colour

I then copied a flame form google stock images into a new image

I then used the channel’s layer section isolate the flame and copy  a transparent version to a new layer

This layer I copied from this image and posted to my main picture my face.

I messed around with these techniques until happy with the result

Check out this video on YouTube for more advanced options.


Nelson Mandela RIP

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela


Mandela of the greatest and most respected men of our time. It was truly an honour to create this tribute to him, honestly it doesn’t do him justice. The world was a better place with him in it. When doing this I was amazed by the the great quotes attributed to him and the fact that he only spent just over 4 years as president of SA. Those 4 years were truly remarkable as he managed to unite a troubled country, and bring SA into the 21st century.